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Friday, September 14, 2012

Guess What...MOCHES...Peruvian Indians had gay sex

The "Moche" Peruvian Indians (100-800 AD) had gay sex.

Did you know that the Peruvian Indians called Moches were mostly homosexuals?.

When the Spanish conquistadors arrived in Peru, were very impressed to see that besides having sex with other men, also represented everything they did in earthen vessels.

In the book "Chronicle of Peru" by Pedro Cieza de Leon, mentions that the Spanish captain Olmos began to snap the Indians and destroy all vessels when they discovered what the Moches were doing.

Fortunately these homophobes failed to dig up the graves of Moche and today modern archaeological research has discovered an infinite number of gay representations.

Sabias que los indios Peruanos conocidos como Moches practicaban la homosexualidad?

Cuando los conquistadores Españoles llegaron al peru, se impresionaron mucho al ver que los Moches tenían sexo con otros hombres, y que también representaban todo lo que hacían en vasijas de barro.

En el libro “Cronica del Peru ” de Pedro Cieza de Leon, se menciona que los capitanes Españoles Pacheo y Olmos empezaron a escarmentar a los indigenas y a destruir todas las vasijas cuando descubrieron lo que los Moches hacian.

Afortunadamente esos homofobos no llegaron a escavar hasta las tumbas de los Moches y hoy las modernas investigaciones arqueológicas han descubierto infinidades de representaciones homosexuales.

1 comment:

  1. This is very interesting and we could do with more information on this phase of human development.


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