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Monday, September 25, 2023


STRANGE WAY OF LIFE public reviews

La trama está muy bien construida y muy dinámica ya que los 30 minutos te sabe a poco y el final te deja la miel en los labios.

La ambientación y la fotografía es genial, los vestuarios actores se notan que son de alta costura, destacando la gran calidad interpretativa, junto con la banda sonora. Me ha gustado mucho. La estética de la ambientacion de la pelicula, y sobre todo, la interpretación de los dos actores principales, es magnífica. Almodóvar no ha necesitado más de 31 minutos que dura la pelicula, para contarnos una historia. Pedro Pascal and Ethan Hawke Have Sizzling Chemistry.

Both in the present and 25 years ago, Pascal and Hawke have sensual and intense scenes together. The 31-minute film makes the most of the two performers’ talents and presents us with a nuanced view of their relationship.

Gay footballer was ‘cut off’ by team because of who he is. So he decided to do something about i

Being shafted by his own team made Jake see that there’s still a long way to go for LGBTQ+ people in sport.

Sharing his story is his way of helping. Shortly after he was kicked off his football team, Jake started using social media to speak out about his own experiences as a gay athlete.

He was amazed to discover that people were interested in what he had to say. He’s since become a sports ambassador for LGBTQ+ charity Stonewall.

“I’m no one special – I just thought that I needed to have a voice and show that these are the difficulties that people face,” he says.

China's LGBT Community Finds Hope at End of Rainbow

When two women wearing rainbow badges were beaten up by security guards in an arty part of Beijing, social media users quickly jumped in to fight their corner.
China's LGBT community may not get much support from authorities, but in a sign of growing tolerance in Chinese society, people are using the power of hashtag campaigns to denounce attacks on gays and lesbians.
The two women were walking in Beijing's trendy "798" district days before the May 17 International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia when they were suddenly surrounded and beaten by a group of black-clad security guards. The public shaming and subsequent apology came weeks after China's popular Weibo microblogging platform faced intense criticism for censoring gay content, with the hashtag #IamGay viewed 240 million times.

En la antigua Roma algunos autores, como Tácito o Suetonio, contemplaban la homosexualidad como un signo de degeneración moral e incluso de decadencia cívica. Era relativamente frecuente que un hombre penetrara a un esclavo o a un joven, mientras que lo contrario, era considerado una desgracia.

Esto no era condenado, se tienen múltiples referencias sobre las relaciones homosexuales mantenidas por muchos emperadores, como Marco Antonio y Augusto César, que tenían amantes con masculinos.

Estas relaciones mantenían unas reglas muy precisas, en la pareja homosexual, siempre existía un "amo" y un "sometido", siendo estos últimos generalmente jóvenes de clase social inferior o esclavos.

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