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Monday, February 12, 2024


Elton John says his mother “ruined” the day of his civil partnership to husband David Furnish with “mild homophobia”.

Speaking at YouTube Pride 2021, John said his Sheila Farebrother’s reaction to their civil partnership in 2005 was “a big shock” as she had been “so supportive” when he came out as gay.

“Families can be very pro or very anti. My family, my mother and my stepfather, were very, very easy with me coming out,” he said.

“When I wanted to have my civil partnership – when I was about to have my civil partnership – my mother was so against it, because it’s officially admitting that you’re gay.

“It was so upsetting, she kind of ruined my day. Our day, rather, by her attitude. And for all those years I thought she was so supportive and in the background there was a mild homophobia going on within her.

“Because I was actually tying the knot with David and then getting married a few years later, she didn’t approve of it at all. And that came as a big shock to me.”


Baby mice have been made with two mums and no dad, say researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
It took a substantial feat of genetic engineering to break the rules of reproduction.
The scientists said the "bimaternal" (two mammas) animals were healthy and went on to have pups of their own.
But there was bad news on the all-male front. Mice with double-dads were attempted, but died within days of being born.


The researchers were trying to answer fundamental questions about why we have sex.
Mammals, including us, can make babies only through sexual reproduction - aka you need an egg from mum and a sperm from dad.
But the rest of the natural world doesn't play by the same rules; some female fish, reptiles, amphibians and birds can go it alone.
Welcome to the bizarre world of virgin births known officially as parthenogenesis.

Mientras que los Judios vivian todos reprimidos por su religion, en la antiguedad los pueblos que los rodeaban tenian como una especie de prostitutos sagrados, por ejemplo en la ciudad de Corinto era frecuente la presencia de prostitutos que como parte del rito de la fertilidad realizaban orgias con los creyentes del culto a la religion de la Diosa Afrodita Urania.

Uno de los iconos de la cultura gay es San Sebastián que se celebra el 20 de Enero.

Es mártir y víctima de los valores morales de sus respectiva época. Fue consecuente con sus ideas que despertaron la desazón de sus contemporáneos.

San Sebastián era soldado y atado a un poste murió por las flechas que le lanzaban los arqueros de Mauritania. Su delito había sido el de no maltratar a los cristianos condenados a tortura.

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